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The Beautiful Game

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Eine englische Fußballmannschaft nimmt in Rom an der WM der Obdachlosen teil. Ihr größtes Talent muss die Vergangenheit hinter sich lassen und zum Teamplayer werden.
Starring:Bill Nighy, Micheal Ward, Susan Wokoma
Plans start at just US$7.99

Oscar-Kandidat Bill Nighy spielt gemeinsam mit Micheal Ward („Top Boy“) in diesem Drama von Regisseurin Thea Sharrock.


The Beautiful Game

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Mitreißend, Feelgood, Inspirierend
German - Audio Description, German, German - Audio Description, German, English - Audio Description, English [Original], English - Audio Description, English [Original], Spanish (Latin America) - Audio Description, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Latin America) - Audio Description, Spanish (Latin America), French - Audio Description, French, French - Audio Description, French, Italian - Audio Description, Italian, Italian - Audio Description, Italian
English, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Latin America), French, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
Bill NighyMicheal WardSusan WokomaValeria GolinoCallum Scott HowellsKit YoungSheyi ColeTom Vaughan-LawlorRobin NazariAoi Okuyama

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